Nick Sloan

Nick Sloan

Western Australia

Nick Sloan has been the Chief Executive Officer of the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) since 2019.

Prior to joining WALGA Nick was the Executive Director, Planning and Service Delivery at the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.

Nick has worked in Ministerial offices at State Government levels as Chief of Staff to the Minister for Local Government; and Principal Policy Advisor to the Minister for Sport and Recreation, Racing, Gaming and Liquor. Nick has extensive experience in the Senior Executive in State Government, including roles in regional Western Australia. During this time, Nick managed complex policy agendas at both State and Local Government level.

Nick is a Director on a number of Boards including LGIS, an industry based Mutual Indemnity Scheme for Local Government in WA; Auspire (Australian Day Council WA); and is Chair of Nature Play WA, an NFP established to increase the time Western Australian children spend in unstructured play outdoors and in nature.

Committed to driving better outcomes for the Local Government sector, Nick has structured and mobilised WALGA to ensure a member focus throughout the organisation. Nick’s inclusive leadership style has engendered a high-performance culture of subject matter experts committed to supporting the sector. This member-centric approach combined with specialist teams means WALGA can provide optimum support and advice to Local Governments, resulting in better outcomes for WA communities across the state.

Speaker agenda

9:25 am

Panel: Coordinating investment to decarbonise WA's energy sector

Engaging Consumers in the Energy Transition

The scale of investment necessary to decarbonise the Western Australian energy sector is substantial and coordinating that level of investment is no small task. This panel will discuss the approach to coordination, so the industry has the best chance of harnessing the disruption that is now well underway to meet government and community decarbonisation objectives.

More panelists to be announced shortly.

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